“The Weather Diaries explores the roots of West Nordic fashion and its inimitable creativity and aesthetics under this umbrella of the strong impact of weather and nature.” —Cooper & Gorfer
This breathtaking exhibition showcases large-scale photographic artworks by Cooper & Gorfer and one-of-a-kind installations from select fashion designers including Mundi (IS), JÖR by Guðmundur Jörundsson (IS), Kría (IS), Hrafnhildur Arnardòttir a.k.a. Shoplifter (IS), Guðrun & Guðrun (FO), Barbara Í Gongini (FO), Rammatik (FO), Bibi Chemnitz (GL), Najannguaq Lennert (GL), Nikolaj Kristensen and Jessie Kleemann (GL).