Passage To Sweden sheds light on the events occurring in Scandinavia and Budapest during WWII, an unfamiliar chapter in history focusing on the heroic actions of ordinary people who saved the lives of thousands of Jews. Together with survivor testimonials, special attention is paid to the citizens of Denmark, the Norwegian Resistance, as well as Swedish diplomats Raoul Wallenberg and Count Folke Bernadotte, all of whom showed exemplary courage during the darkest of times.
Why do countries behave so differently toward their religious and ethnic minorities? Are nations’ education systems so divergent that their citizens develop distinct moral codes? How much does leadership matter? Why do some ordinary people risk their lives to save others?
Director, producer, and writer Suzannah Warlick examines these vital questions through the prism of the little-known story of Scandinavian Jews’ widely differing experiences during World War II. Warlick shot 130 hours of material from which she has skillfully woven a treasure trove of archival film footage, photographs, and interviews with people who lived in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Hungary through the war years.
Cost: $5 for members; $10 general admission