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Nordic Sól Recycled Nature Craft for Kids—Flower Collage


Written July 26, 2020


For this project you need:

  • A piece of paper and pencil or pen
  • Old magazines
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick

Here are the steps:

  1. On your piece of paper draw a simple flower. (Fig 1)
  2. Cut strips from magazine pages – I cut mine ½” wide and I used a paper cutter. You can make the strips as wide or narrow as you like – or even different widths. If you don’t have a paper cutter use your scissors.
  3. Turn your flower drawing face down – so that the drawing is against the table. Glue the strips of magazine pages on the back of the piece of paper. (Fig 2)
  4. Turn the paper back over, and cut around the flower shape. (Fig 3)

If you enjoy this type of collage, you can do it with all sorts of different shapes!