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BLACK SUN #128_square


Artist Talk: Søren Solkær



Artist Søren Solkær sits down with Chief Curator Leslie Anderson for a talk about his career in photography, from portraits of some of the most influential musicians of our time to his work seen in Sort Sol, which captures and showcases the mesmerizing formations of starling flocks known as murmurations.


  • SorenSolkaer_byTineReingaard_Australia_circle

    Søren Solkær

    Søren Solkær is a Danish photographer, born in 1969. He has been working with a global profile since 1996. Søren is best known for his distinctive portraits of musicians. He is most recognized as the man responsible for various iconic images of Björk, The White Stripes, Paul McCartney, David Lynch, Amy Winehouse, Pharrell Williams, Adele, and Patti Smith.

  • Leslie Anderson

    Leslie Anne Anderson

    Leslie Anne Anderson is Chief Curator at the National Nordic Museum, a mayoral-appointed Seattle Arts Commissioner, and chair of Seattle’s Public Art Advisory Committee. 
