The Snow Queen is a remarkable adaptation of the beloved Hans Christian Andersen story, penned by NYC-based playwright Matt Opatrny. The adaptation remains faithful to Andersen’s wild tale, presenting the struggle between good vs evil. When Kay is taken by the Snow Queen who lives in a world of ice and snow, faithful Gerda is determined to embark on an unforgettable adventure where flowers sing, animals talk, and riddles yearn to be revealed. Will Gerda’s love and grief save her best friend Kay before he is trapped forever in the Snow Queen’s palace? Join us in this courageous and whimsical force of deep human connection and belonging.
This workshop reading of The Snow Queen is the second phase of developing the script for future production. In partnership with Western Washington University (WWU) and National Nordic Museum (NNM), this reading is part of a three-year plan to foster the development of new work at WWU during the summers, with the ultimate goal of premiering productions on SCT's mainstage. Originally premiered in New York City during the fall of 2017, the play is currently undergoing significant rewriting and development for its West Coast premiere at Seattle Children's Theatre mainstage in November 2024.